Marketing Programs 05/03/12 12:08:47 PM
| Marketing Programs
Cash Sale: sell your grain for the posted price at the time of delivery.
Forward Contract: establish the price of your grain now for delivery at a future date. Payment will be made at time of delivery.
Hedge-to-Arrive (HTA) Contract: The Chicago futures price is established now and you retain the right to set the basis at a future date using our current posted basis. You must establish basis prior to delivering grain.
Storage: deliver grain now and keep beneficial interest (ownership) until you decide to price the grain at our current posted price or load grain out to use. Storage and other applicable charges will apply.
Price Later: deliver grain now and transfer beneficial interest (ownership), but retain the option to price later at our current posted price. Service charges may apply.
Deferred Payment deliver and sell your grain now, but wait to receive payment to earn a premium.
Submit an Offer: Determine the amount you want to sell and the price you want for your grain. When and if our posted price reaches your target, your grain will be automatically sold.
Photo: front row: Emily, Courtney, Cohen, and Brittney
second row: Andrew, Anna, Nicole, Grandma, Grandpa, Riley, Jennifer, Brody, Michelle, Katy and Eli